… 47.000 Praktizierende Heilpraktiker in Deutschland, 60.000 Beschäftigte in Heilpraktiker-Praxen – Eine repräsentative Studie des Bund Deutscher Heilpraktiker e. V. (BDH) zeigt die hohe Bedeutung des Heilpraktikerberufs in Deutschland …
Alle Beiträge von Georg von Nessler
Wanted: #representatives and partners for #cures and #treatments in #India.
Content outline of my talk to delegates of the #IHMA ( Indian Homeopathic Medical Association ) at the 2. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE in the International Hahnemann Zentrum, #Torgau, given on 10th April 2019.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, honorable guests, I have the honour to adress you. My name is Georg von
Nessler . I was raised in 3 cultures, former professor for international marketing in tourism and marketing consultant with worldwide working experience for international corporations and governmental institutions.
1.I have set up the following suggestions and agenda, to be turned into action with partners in India and Germany.
Wanted: #representatives and partners for #cures and #treatments in #India. weiterlesen