Some historic views on Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine

News from Siegfried: Some historic views on Dr. Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine, edition 5.5
Dear friends in homeopathy,

Richard Haehl, a German homeopath and author of the famous two volume biography of Dr. Hahnemann, once purchased Hahnemann’s bequest with financial support of William Boericke and James W. Ward… INCLUDING THE ORGANON MANUSCRIPT FOR THE 6TH EDITION!
The original manuscript and one out of two handwritten copies today are under the care of UCSF – The University of California San Francisco.
Both of these extraordinary historic items are online. 
The manuscript is Dr. Hahnemann’s own printed copy of the 5th edition, added with his notes for the 6th edition. The copy is the one used by Haehl for the 1921 original print of the 6th ed.

Edit: Further reading says that the handwritten copy (the 2nd link) is the one used by Boericke for his translation of the 6th ed. of the Organon. I am yet to find out, which of the 2 copies you see. The name of Richard Haehl is mentioned on the cover page… Sorry… I am confused and need to compare with Haehl’s and Boericke’s books to find out…
See both here and be thrilled:

Organon der Heilkunst
